FEDAA Board Member, Kamran Shahbaz, Travels to Kabul

September 2023

In a pilgrimage to his ancestral home, Kamran spent two weeks in Afghanistan this past August. Since security issues were still in question, with the help of contacts offered by family and Afghan friends in the U.S., he accomplished most of his professional and personal goals for this visit. Representing FEDAA, he visited private and public schools, had meetings with Kardan University’s Chancellor (Dr. Ahmad Khalid Hatam), Chief Financial Officer (Muhammed Imran), Director of Scholarships (Mr. Maiwand Niazy), and FEDAA’s 2022 scholars.

(Editor’s note: Kamran’s trip was financed exclusively through personal funds. No FEDAA Foundation assets were used.)

Kamran overlooking the city of Kabul.

August 2023 Hamkaran Gathering. From left to right: Bashir Himmat (Hamkaran Captain for FEDAA 2022 scholars), Edris Ramez (scholar), Muhammad Imran (Kardan CFO), Kamran Shahbaz (FEDAA CFO), Sher Habib Hakeemi (scholar), Tamim Saidkhili (scholar), Hashmat Bahrami (scholar), Mohammad Yousaf (scholar). Meeting FEDAA’s scholars was like meeting old friends, as FEDAA has been in communication with its scholars regularly over the past year. 

Meeting with Mr. Maiwand Niazy, Director of Scholarships at Kardan.

FEDAA Board member Ahad Shahbaz provided sponsorship to 30 girls in the Asrah Orphanage in Kabul. Representing his father, Kamran visited the orphanage to supply food and was welcomed with melodic Pashto, Dari, and Uzbeki songs from the girls and their headmaster (top right).

Kamran wanted to see more of the country than just Kabul, so he ventured out through the Kabul Gorge to Laghman, his grandfather’s and great grandfather’s birthplace. To see Deh Baghalak, Laghman, the family’s ancestral village, was a poignant moment for Kamran. It was from there that his great grandfather sent Kamran’s grandfather to the University of Chicago in the 1940s, and in whose name the FEDAA Scholarship was established.

Kamran on his way to Laghman in an armored vehicle, rented to ensure safety.

“Inspiring futures, transforming lives: In deepest gratitude to Mr. Kamran Shahbaz, a visionary benefactor – from FEDAA scholars (2022).”

During the perfect final day in Kabul, the FEDAA scholars of Kardan University invited Kamran to lunch at Ziyafat restaurant. He would not allow them to pay and was astounded by a surprise they had planned. The students had designed and ordered an honorary plaque which they presented to Kamran, expressing their gratitude to all of FEDAA’s generous donors.


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